Celebrating Bald Eagle Day

The American Bald Eagle From Behind the Pen

Bald Eagle Day

Today, we are celebrating Bald Eagle Day! Majestic and spectacular is the sight, flight and strength of the American Bald Eagle. The bald eagle became the symbol of our nation and named our national bird on June 20, 1782. On the Great Seal of the United States, one talon of the eagle extends the olive branch, symbolizing peace. The other wields the arrows of defense, which symbolizes friendship and cooperation, while warning our enemies that we are not to be stepped upon or tampered with.

This is one of my favorite and most encouraging verses in the Bible:

But they that wait upon theĀ LordĀ shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings asĀ eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.Isaiah 40:31

The presence of watching an eagle fly is mesmerizing and stunning. Even when it is mounted atop a tree, it commands your attention in a magnificent way.

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