Immigration: I’m A Migrant

New York, Immigration

I was watching the peaceful protests throughout this country last week, where many people marched in solidarity on behalf of legitimate immigration. I think it’s so horrific that people are quick to stereotype and pass judgment about legal, law-abiding immigrants in the U.S., and not bridle their tongue on how they spew unnecessary, poisonous, racial slurs, at individuals and families who don’t deserve it. I reflected on the call of Abraham from the book of Genesis 12:1-2 (NIV) which states,

1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
2 I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

As I thought about the subject of immigration, I thought about God’s order to Abraham in the above verses and understand how we must sometimes leave our familiar place, uproot and travel to a foreign land that will be a blessing to us and in turn, we will be a blessing to them. It speaks of sacrifice and reward.

I read a personal, heartwarming poem “Goodbye Little Sister” by one of my friends and fellow bloggers, Dwight Roth, which talks about the sacrifice and tragedy of immigration his family experienced. It’s unfortunate that many people do not realize if they are not Native Americans, then they are immigrants, period, regardless of how they came here.

Now, I understand the concern about harboring the criminal element that illegal immigration can bring, but I also abhor unthinkable crimes committed by legal citizens (white-collar, blue-collar, no collar at all) who willfully and intentionally prey on others and break the law. If each of us searched our family history and acknowledge how blessed we are to be in a land where opportunity is an honor and privilege, we will understand and embrace the diverse cultures, love of God and the blessings we can receive for our obedience.

Countless families sacrificed so much and paid a big price, including death, to make a better life for their children and family. Let’s not forget our humanity when we are dealing with delicate and sensitive human issues. Our actions can have some irreparable consequences if we aren’t diplomatic about our behavior.

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