Attention Deficit Seduction

Smartphones, Texting, Technology

Image credit: Richard Revel

Have we become blinded by how much we are more controlled by technology than we care to admit? Our very thoughts, imagination, analytical perception, and creativity all seem to be controlled by our digital devices. Are we now becoming the robots, in this crazy role reversal? Don’t get me wrong, I like my mobile devices, but I refuse to let them seduce me into a scary and obsessive relationship.

I was recently listening to a conversation about how common it is for people to walk and text, or drive and text simultaneously, oftentimes resulting in some scary and tragic situations. Although driving while texting is illegal in many states, walking while texting can be just as hazardous. Why are we so obsessed over our Smartphones and digital devices? How did we become so seduced by those illuminating screens that make us lose our sense of awareness?

Many people do not find this seduction problematic, but let’s face it, our digital devices are just as addicting than controlled substances. Go into practically any restaurant and observe how many people cannot sit, talk and eat without grabbing their Smartphones. It appears that no one wants or prefers to talk anymore, but instead prefers to let their fingers do the talking.

Another alarming thing I have noticed more often than I care to admit is when you see parents or caretakers paying more attention to their smartphones than they do to their kids. Of course, as some of you may have experienced, saying something to these adults brings on a glare of war declared on you for saying something, or they may even hurl insults back at you…like mind your own damn business kind of responses. 

While many feel this is our new normal, should we just deal with it? I am inclined to believe that Attention Deficit Seduction is too great of a risk to take when it comes down to the safety of yourself and others. That’s just my two cents for today!

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