Futility of Their Minds: Is Hatredtism Strangling Patriotism?

kai Stachowiak, patriot“When is real patriotism, real patriotism?” the woman asked as she sat in her rocker on her front porch and sipped on her cup of honey vanilla tea. What does patriotism stand for? What does patriotism represent? Is it merely recognized by displaying your country’s flag outside your house or mounted on your vehicle as it sways in the wind?

“I’ve witnessed much in my life as most of us in my age range and on up. I’ve seen the beauty and the ugliness of humanity in this country and around the world. I’ve seen many family members and friends go off to war and serve their country. Some returned home and some didn’t. Many returned physically wounded and mentally scarred. Whether drafted or volunteered for military service, they still represented our country with conviction and honor. To me, that is the spirit of true patriotism,” she continued.

Patriotic, an adjective, means to have or express devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country. Such passion surrounds the principles for which one’s country is based on and stands for, as well as the direction they are headed, to serve in the best interest of all citizens regardless of their race, creed, or color.

Hatred, an emotion, is an intense dislike, hostility or ill will towards someone or something. Hatred creates a great divide and compromises the integrity, character, and unity of patriotism. Mass division only creates a weakened and destructive society. Such an emotion promotes oppressiveness and offensiveness.

The woman’s audience was a couple of her grandsons and a few of their friends who hung out but were on the path of juvenile delinquency if someone didn’t intervene quickly. She realized she could no longer sit in a cesspool of silence watching society continue to sink into the depths of Sheol, where the walking dead dwell. She continued sipping on her tea as they gulped down sweetened iced tea. “You young men and young ladies may one day have children of your own and it’s not too early to think about what type of future you want for them. You must learn to refrain from talking so much, and start learning to listen effectively. You say you’re patriotic but your character, your conversation, and your conduct show heightened violence and hatred not indicative of patriotism.”

The young people seemed stunned by her comment because they have heard despicable forms of hatred spewing carelessly from others within their inner circle because their inner circle heard the hate-filled propaganda come from adults they are around.

“Skandalizo, the Greek word meaning to put a stumbling block or impediment in the way, upon which another may trip and fall or to offend, is a hindrance, a trap and a weak link in whatever context and to whomever, it is applied. Yet, when voices are laced with hate displayed through dehumanizing and violent acts, the environment becomes hostile and volatile, and an internal war will turn what was once a unified and flourishing land into a wasteland.” The woman put down her teacup and looked at each one of them in their eyes.

“I want you to think about what we’ve discussed here today and then go out to be a positive change our society desperately needs. What do you stand for? What do you represent? What can you do today, right now to boldly declare, ‘My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing?’ Can the secretion of hatredtism be dismantled and severed from meaningful patriotism for freedom’s sake?” The young people finished their tea, then sat on the porch and listened to the breeze of calm that caressed their rebellious hearts. In such a short span of time, she gave them much to digest and really think about.

The woman smiled and rocked in her chair. Instead of continuing to say someone needs to do something, she decided to start the conversation with the small audience she had and try to make a positive impact through her experience and humble influence.

People will no longer be forced into silence through the use of fear tactics and intolerance.  Stark division between the have’s versus the have nots, the oppressed versus the oppressors, the antagonists versus the protagonists would only lead to greater division, animosity, and destruction for all. Freedom will thus become extinct like an endangered animal. Hatredtism does not complement nor enhance patriotism, no matter how you slice it.

Pulkit Kamboj, Patriotism

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