Tinkering with Time Again? ⏳

Image Credit: kai Stachowiak

Now, I am not necessarily a fan of changing my clocks in the Spring and Fall, but it won’t kill me to do it. Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed a bill to make Daylight Saving Time permanent. Yet, did anyone refer to what happened in the 70s when this occurred? Are we sure we really want to do this? A national experiment was conducted during an energy crisis when most of the United States went to year-round Daylight Saving Time.

Simply put, folks weren’t too happy about it. It wasn’t a pretty sight because there were a lot of hiccups occurring across the country, and needless to say, we reverted to the way it currently is. “Be careful what you ask for,” my mother would say to us.

No matter what they do to tinker with time, you can’t change it. The sun, moon, and stars don’t wind their clocks to adjust to our wants and conveniences just to appease us. Nature is going to operate on the same timetable as it always has, regardless of what we do to manipulate the time. Yet, I have to ask, whether we stick with our current time changes or not, will “we” change? Will this make people get along better or help us to make wiser decisions where humankind is not unkind but aware of our purpose, position, policies, and behavior? Can we take a page from nature and adjust to the natural order of creation’s timetable and change that person in the mirror to do better and be better?

So, we’re tinkering with time again. Will changing it make us better, worse, or the same old mess warmed over again and again?

23 thoughts on “Tinkering with Time Again? ⏳

  1. It might stop people from being extra grumpy for one March Monday when the clocks would normally have changed and their sleep patterns haven’t adjusted and there just isn’t enough caffeine to remedy their situation. And, who knows what change that non-grumpiness of that one or multitudes might bring about.

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  2. And if all of the states move forward an hour mornings will be very dark in the winter. At least for the northern states. Better to stay on normal time if they don’t want to change. We had a vote in our province to stay in DLS and it was turned down because of this concern. Maggie

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  3. linnie says:

    i absolutely hate the time change. this is definitely something i think the american public should have been able to vote on. if i’d had a chance to vote, even if the time change was the popular choice, i’d feel better about it. the way this was done, i just feel duped. where was my vote? (i’m guessing it was up to my state senator to vote on my behalf, but i’m honestly not sure and should probably research it further). i did recently reach-out to both my state senators to let them know i’m in support of assisting ukrain to our full potential; however, i didn’t realize i needed to email them regarding daylight savings time. i feel so out of the loop! linnie

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  4. Oh Sascha, what a wise point of view. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful message on this topic. Sometimes we find things to complain about when it is just a minor adjustment. Of course, we make such a small task a BIG deal! 😱🙄😣 Enjoy the rest of your day! 🌞

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  5. WOW, how interesting Maggie. I honestly wonder how much research was conducted before such a decision was voted on, and not based on complaints without cause. Thanks so very much for sharing your personal experience surrounding this topic my friend. 🌞🌈🌟

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  6. BTW, after reading your post, I investigated the whole time change thing, noted that some areas have never done the whole “change the clocks” or at the very beginning some locales in some states only did it piecemeal. I noted that some of the arguments that have come up, accidents, for instance, were not affected to the extent that lawmakers thought they would be. Somehow, prior to 1918, folks were able to manage just fine never changing their clocks. It will be interesting to see how people behave/react if the law is changed. Thanks for this post! 🙂

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  7. Linnie, I absolutely love your insight, and kudos to you for reaching out to your state’s senators. I have reached out to a few of my state senators regarding issues important to constituents, but never heard anything but crickets. I don’t know if it’s because I am from a different party, but ghosting citizens from your own state is a farst. Let’s see where this goes. Thanks for chiming in sweetie! ✔👍🏼✔ Continue to remain proactive! 😊✨😉

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  8. I truly appreciate you checking out the history of the turn of events with this issue. I can understand those areas who have never readjusted their clocks operate just fine. Yet, you know how we humans are? We go completely out of our minds with the merest sliver of “change”. I agree, let’s see what happens my friend. 😉✨😊


  9. I’m not a fan of DLS. Nature knows what it’s doing, don’t mess with it. Three years ago I moved back to my home state, where we don’t do that nonsense. Other states call us backward, and a 3-hour time difference across the county makes it difficult for businesses. When I lived in Sydney I understood it, because the sun sets over the mountain range and daylight disappears very quickly. But here in Perth, the sun sets over the ocean… so daylight lingers way into the evening. You add an extra hour onto that and kids won’t go to bed (and won’t get up in the morning), and the daytime heat is an hour later so it’s just too hot. I’ve not heard of year-round DLS. I’m interested to hear how that goes. Good luck to you all!

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  10. Dear Kym, it is a wonderful post! Be careful what you ask for, I agree with your mothers says. I am agree with you, about changes cloks…
    But lets don´t worry, lets be happy. Thank´s for share it.
    Have a lovely afternoon!

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  11. Thanks a million Sandra. I don’t know how much thought has gone into the pros and cons of it all but I suppose we shall wait and see. Either way, I don’t think I will sweat over it. 😉 Thanks so much for your insight! 🌅

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  12. Wow. I had no idea. The last I heard, there were conversations about doing away with the time change. Interesting. Reflecting upon you question, I don’t think it will solve anything, and may even make matters worse, by disrupting people’s habits, etc. With the scope of what is going on in this world today, my question is, why? Why do this now? This is a fantastic post, Kym! Lots of reflection, kindred! 🌸🌺🌹❤️✨💫⏰⏱⏲

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  13. I appreciate your wise introspect on this question Jeff. I agree with you on all of your points 100%. And you are so right, why do this now in light of everything going on in the world. SMH 🙄 It’s probably a diversion from something more important! Thanks for chiming in my friend!!! 🤗💐🥰


  14. Spot on post, Kym! 💯 And I agree! Tinkering with it doesn’t give us any more hours in the day than what God has allotted and more importantly, it won’t change today’s culture of hatred and abuse either. Because you can’t change other people, you can only change yourself. Change always starts with the individual person! 💖🌺🌹

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