My, my, my, How Our Common Conversations Changed Through Time

Image Credit: Norma Mortenson

Sometimes I have to laugh about some of the conversations we are having, now that we are bonafide card-carrying adults. While many topics of discussion are important and of course can be fragile in nature, I think about how our conversations have changed through the years and the things we resort to talking about when we enter “Seniorhood.” So let’s begin, shall we?

Do you remember when you were a little young whipper snapper and how the things you would yack about with your young whipper snapper friends seemed super important back then? Well, even if you can’t remember, just humor me for a moment. Playing with dolls, frogs, and insects, or playing dress up would have you talking nonstop about a must-see adventure. And I do mean nonstop until you fall asleep.

Then, when we were in elementary school our conversations about our schoolboy or schoolgirl crush and who our besties were became a hot topic, especially on the playground at recess. Then you would get tired and fall asleep in class. Of course, I think about the voice of the teacher from Charlie Brown when you are awakened from your napping stupor. Embarrassing.

When we were in high school we talked about making out with our main squeeze, hanging out until curfew, who we were going to the prom with, where we were going to college, or where our first embarrassing job was. Talk about more serious hot discussions. But when talking until we couldn’t talk anymore (especially on our landline phones), we’d eventually fall asleep while we were in the middle of an important conversation, or so we thought.

When we were in our twenties it was about getting our career started,Β  having our nuclear family (if we chose to), and buying our first home. This was when we began noticing the things our elders had been telling us when we were trying to grow up so fast. We went into panic mode and that was when we wanted to revisit those wise conversations.Β 

As I fast-forward a few decades now that I am amid Seniorhood, and I dare not say Senior Citizenship, I have noticed a common denominator, and yet quite humorous among our topics of discussion (but not necessarily mine). We are talking about more serious stuff like comparing notes on who has a normal bowel movement, how often you go to the doctor, are we getting in our recommended fiber intake daily, how many milligrams of medication we are taking and properly pronouncing the scientific names of your meds, is your digestive system better than mine, and what on earth are these young folks wearing these days!

I have to laugh because some of the seniors I talk about aren’t aware of giving out TMI (Too Much Information) which is becoming comic relief material for the taking. So, for all of you comedic wannabes out there, you don’t have to thank me for the new material. Oh yeah, times have changed and so have our conversations. But listen to some of them, especially from senior family members or people sitting in a patient waiting room and then you decide for yourself. It’s over-the-hill funny as all get out!


Life is interesting because we go through changes and lose some people dear to us along the way.

38 thoughts on “My, my, my, How Our Common Conversations Changed Through Time

  1. Thank you, Kym, for your brilliant observations!

    I aim not to bore anyone with private information, politics, religion, or medical details. and just be myself, and write.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. You crack me up, Kym! I can only imagine you “digesting” the TMI and storing it up for future comic relief. Join the club, my friend! But as a matter of conversation that has nothin’ but nothin’ to do with BM, as i now know you’re part of Senior Citizenry like me: GIRL, did you KNOW? Hallmark gives you a 10% discount for us oldies but goldies. Snap it up, my friend. I spend way too much on cards there. I need my discount. πŸ˜‰πŸ™ŒπŸ₯°πŸ˜‚❀️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My dear Joanna, thanks so much for your authentic comment. Life brings about some interesting and life changing observations from time to time. I appreciate you! Cheers! πŸ₯°πŸ₯‚πŸ˜˜


  4. Girl Mary, you can’t take yourself too seriously sometimes. But when that thought came to me, I brought it to the attention of some close friends and relatives who weren’t offended and laughed too! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ€£


  5. Girlfriend, I am a card carrying member of AARP. I take advantage of every discount I can and I am not the least bit ashamed to do so. I need to save some coins sistah! πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ Love ya Dora! Thanks for the giggles too! 😜

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wonderful post! My dear friend Kym itΒ΄s always a pleasure visit your blog wIcH is amazing.
    You know how to keep us with eyes open, relfection and today in a very funny way, thank’s!
    Cheers! have a lovely, cozy, relaxing evening and tea-wine-time!
    Abrazote mi amiga!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh my dear Elvira, thank you so much mi amiga. I am so glad you you enjoyed reading this piece. That means a lot to me. πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ₯° Enjoy the rest of your evening my dear. Abrazote! 😊πŸ₯‚πŸ˜˜


  8. TMI for sure which I can attest too, Kym Dawwwlink.. while I humor my dad for yet the 6th one of these comments today all before 2:00 p.m. Heading there now.. Oh those were the days where the good times rolled. Fun postπŸ’“

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks a million Cindy dawwwlinkkkk! Hang in there, no many how far-fetched the conversations may get. Trust me, these topics manage to pop up out of nowhere! UGH!!! πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜πŸ™‡πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Hugs and smooches! πŸ˜πŸ’–πŸ˜˜

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I would guess you are not only hanging, but you’re about to pull a Tarzan number and swing your way through the jungle of life! That’s just what we do!!! πŸ˜œπŸŒ³πŸ’–πŸ₯‚πŸŒž


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