All-Points Bulletin: Be on the Lookout for Common Sense

Common Sense

Image Credit: Gerd Altmann

Calling all Cars…Be on the Lookout for Common Sense!

Yes, I know I was a teenager for…what…7 years and I admit I did some crazy and daring things sometimes. I look back on those wild and crazy days and from time to time wonder, “What in the heck was I thinking?”

Yet somehow the crazy insane things I thought were crazy and insane at that time pale in comparison to some of the ludicrous and unthinkable things people are doing right now. Yet, ‘someone’ has thought about it, then it began to spread like viral wildfire, and now the consequences leave us scratching our heads in utter bewilderment.

So let’s talk about some of these video challenges that have derailed the train of common sense. Now, clearly, I understood the cause behind the ice bucket challenge, albeit extreme, it was intended to raise money and awareness for a good cause. Yet, now I am seeing reports of people bandaged with severe burns from taking the “Hot Water Challenge” or recovering from extreme serious injuries by jumping out of their moving cars for the “In My Feelings” challenge. Huh? You mean you really have to tell people not to jump out of moving vehicles for the fun of it or they can get hurt or killed?

After looking at how many insane challenges there were, I was absolutely appalled by how much people want to ‘up the ante’ in the danger zone. So that you know I’m not making this stuff up, click here to read more of the article “15 Of The Most Dangerous Online Challenges Teenagers Have Ever Done.” Thank goodness social media was not around when I was a teen because the production of the next two generations would be very low in representation.

Dangerous Challenges, Teen Video Challenges