Patience for an Emergency? ðŸ¤”

Emergency Signage
Image Credit: Pixabay

Okay, so I had to jot down some comical thoughts, albeit frustrating, while chillin out in the local “emergency” waiting room. Yesterday, I had to go to the emergency room with my husband. While it was not a life threatening situation, thank God, after five and a half hours of sitting and glancing periodically at the time on my tracker, I stopped counting the minutes, milliseconds, or hours. Now this isn’t my first rodeo in the ER so I think we kinda know what to expect. Still, it’s exhausting. As my husband, a Vietnam vet would repeat what they told the soldiers in the Army, “Hurry up and wait!”

Now grant it, I have the utmost respect for the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers going above and beyond the call of duty. For them and their service, I am deeply grateful. As there were about a dozen people in the waiting room when we got there, we knew we would be waiting for a while, so thank goodness I brought me a book to read while “killing” time, no pun intended.

But seriously, I don’t know of a time when I have ever been to an emergency room and didn’t stay about as long as a working shift. 🤣 BTW it was freezing like the dead of winter, not just in the waiting area, but in the examination rooms too. I kid you not, they were passing out warm blankets and I do mean they were oven warm.

So, that my dear friends is a snippet of my great adventure in the ER waiting room! Are emergency rooms really for emergencies? That’s probably an oxymoron, but hey! 🤗 Patience for patients I say!