Home Invasion

Image Credit: kai Stachowiak

When is enough, enough? Let me begin by saying that this post is not about a burglary in the sense as we know it. So you can put your mind at ease about that. However, you may probably be a little more disturbed about the type of home invasion I am referring to as I go on.

In many posts of the past, I wrote about deforestation, focusing on displaced wildlife, and destroying our healthy ecosystem. Why are we continuing to bulldoze through those natural habitats that are home to many creatures that we should just leave ’em be?

As I look around our area where many malls are looking like ghost towns, I ask a simple question, why aren’t we making an effort to repurpose those spaces and buildings where companies have gone out of business? Now, once again, let me make this disclaimer that I am in no way opposed to progress, growth, and development. I always say there is room for improvement but at what cost?

The home invasion I’m referring to is now focused on the desert. Yep, you heard me right, the desert. 🏜 A sustainable utopian city is planned to be constructed in the American desert at the tune of $400 billion dollars. Nope, I am not referring to updates in Las Vegas either. Planners are currently scouting for locations that possibly target Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Texas, and the Appalachian region.

Saguaro Cactus Arizona
Image Credit: Circe Denyer

Well folks, Telosa, this 150,000-acre proposal promises eco-friendly architecture, sustainable energy production, and a purportedly drought-resistant water system. Now, by no means am I knocking this project, but do we really need to start invading our desert regions some more? Would you be willing to venture, live in the desert, and invest in this type of utopian dream?

A view of Telosa, a $400-billion "utopia" developers hope will "create a more equitable and sustainable future" that can "become a blueprint of future generations."
Telosa, BIG and Buchareststudio

The next question I wonder about is what will happen to all of the indigenous desert creatures, flora, and fauna? Once their home is invaded, where will they go?

I’m good where I am. I love our trees, wildflowers, birds, deer, and other members of nature, although we have our share of pests that I don’t have a substantial problem with right now. I appreciate our fresh air, which is a luxury in many areas these days. But I do have a request. If there are any billionaires who by chance may be reading my blog right now, can you help a sista out with a donation of some of your spare pocket change? There’s a lot that I can do to help so many with just 1% of $1 billion dollars! 🤑 Just 1% that’s all.