What Do You Mean I Can Reinvent the Wheel?

Image Credit: Ellie Burgin

The invention of the wheel has come a long way from the old wooden disks. Be it a ship’s wheel, steering wheel, potter’s wheel, or flywheel, wheels have found greater purposes as we look beyond recycling them from the old tire swings we swung on growing up. Ok, so we are not exactly reinventing the wheel, but accessorizing it differently. We are always looking for unique recycling ideas and I stumbled across a list of recycling projects that are not “tire”-some at all.  In fact, it blew my mind about the myriad of ways you can recycle/repurpose an old tire that has seen its last days on a vehicle and revamp it for something new, creative, and usable.

Before we get to that, here is an article I came across Recycled tires make for roads that last twice as long in hot sunshine” which talks about incorporating tire rubber into pavement. Sustainable roads have great benefits beyond recycling.

So, for all of you wondering what to do with those old tires that will probably be thrown in a garbage pile or landfill, check out the video below for some cool and creative ideas on how to recycle old tires and help the environment while you’re at it.

Image Credit: JacekAbramowicz

Image Credit: JacekAbramowicz