A Spectacular Night Light Show

Dark Clouds, Lightning

Image Credit: Public Domain

For the past two weeks, our area has seen a tremendous amount of rain that left many people experiencing a great deal of flooding in low-lying areas, and mudslides occurring in mountain regions. This weekend I was intrigued by brilliant flashes from a light show that turned my nighttime storm curiosity into pure awe.

As I passed by one of my bedrooms, I could see the reflection of light flashing behind the closed blinds. I turned off the lights so I could open the blinds to see what was happening outside. The thunderstorm had long passed and the frogs were singing their hearts out among the trees.

I looked at the sky and although I didn’t see lightning bolts, what I saw that many of us have seen before, appeared like fireworks going off in the heavens behind the night clouds. I was mesmerized like a kid, sitting in the darkness of my room looking at the darkness of the night’s illumination by random flashes of tempestuous heavenly lights. In the silence of that distant glow, lying within the depths of darkness I sat there absorbed in the “Wow” factor of God’s might!

Lightning, Night Clouds

Image Credit: Public Domain

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