My Complaint Quotient

Complaints, Gratitude, Frustration

Image Credit: Dani Simmonds

You know, I can easily get frustrated by the simplest and smallest of things that really don’t matter. I can be anal like that sometimes. :-/ Geez!

Thank God, I’ve grown up and grown out of most of those frustrations. I find myself complaining much less than I once did, although that does not mean I still don’t get a little frustrated, especially by silly things. I look around and see so many people suffering from something far greater than what they can control and some of those things are quite debilitating.

When I look at my scales of gratitude, they far outweigh my inexcusable complaint quotient. I can see greater opportunities and possibilities when I focus on that which is achievable for me. I try not to microwave my potential but learn to enjoy and savor the blessed gifts I wake up with each day, no matter how imperfect of a day it may turn out to be.

I look around with hope, not comparing myself to the leaps taken by others. I pivot that focus on my aptitude that will propel my altitude of achievement. I’ve learned to value and appreciate my little successes and victories so that I will know how to properly embrace my bigger ones.

Have a complaint-free day! 🙂

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