Controlled Substances

Image Credit: Marianna Weiner

        You know, I cannot watch television and avoid commercials sometimes running simultaneously for some type of medication to take for just about every ailment you have or think you have, for conditions you can’t pronounce, and then for some problem you never heard of. Typically, we think of a controlled substance as alcohol, illegal drugs, prescribed drugs, or a combination of them. We are oversaturated with a fixation to expect that alleged miracle we see when people are happy and smiling at the end of the commercial. Just remember, they are actors.

        But what about those non-medicinal controlled substances that send shock waves throughout our daily lives and can have more serious side effects than medicine? Things like greed, envy, hatred, injustice, self-righteousness, and jealousy? What about spirit-controlled extremist ideologies that control many minds and subsequently turn into malevolent actions? Or what about those conditions like low self-esteem, and self-hatred that can send us into a destructive mode, and leads to self-harm?

        Addiction, according to Oxford Dictionary is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Are we addicted to controlled substances but are unaware of our fixation? Do we think we have a problem, or have we normalized offensive, destructive, and unacceptable behaviors that some think are okay and not a problem? How do we cope, or do we change by simply kicking the habit? Controlled substances can send us spiraling to the point of no return. At that point, is there a way to perform damage control, or has it reached the point of irreparable harm?

Image Credit: Dan Meyers

32 thoughts on “Controlled Substances

  1. aparna12 says:

    Fantastic post, dear Kym. This reminds me of ny paternal grandma. She loved the idea of being sick only to torture my mom. I have to build a temple for mom and worship her because only she could handle her mom-in-law. Grandma often called doctor for nothing. Mom had an idea. She learned how to use injection because my father was also an asthmatic patient and had to take Deriphyllin injection quite often. She asked our family doc to prescribe some vitamin injection which she used to give grandma whenever she complained of ill health.
    Great post. ♥️♥️♥️😘😘😘😘💕💕💕

    Liked by 2 people

  2. OMG Aparna, she was a Hypochondriac! 😱 I can see how this would drive your mother crazy! It seems like ole grandma had some other issues going on…why? For the sake of seeking attention! SMH 😫 I applaud your mother’s strength. WOW! Thanks so much my dear for stopping by! 🥳🎉😊🌺🥰💖😉💋😘

    Liked by 1 person

  3. aparna12 says:

    Because of granny dearest and my father’s deteriorating health that led to his severe depression, my brother and I were under severe stress. I wanted to end my life after marrying a monster now turned human. Mom was and is the only sane person in my family. ☺☺☺.

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  4. WOW, what an amazing story my dear. So glad you survived such a dark time. Now you are empowered and soaring. Sending you a bunch of love, hugs, and smooches. Stay strong my dear Aparna! 🥰🌺😊🎉😘💋😉💖

    Liked by 1 person

  5. aparna12 says:

    😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘☺☺☺♥️♥️♥️♥️. I feel so happy these days, thanks to your constant encouragement, motivation and support. Lots of love, hugs, kisses and all the happiness.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I love where you said “every ailment you have or think you have”. My husband is a self-diagnoser from way back!
    Some of us are addicted to kindness and helping others. How do we spread our addiction to a wider audience? If only they could see how much better it feels than being angry at everything all the time, angry at the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great Post Kym!!! So many are addicted to the candy ladened pink pills that give the illusion of seeing through rose colored glasses. Sadly, it only makes things worse. I’ll stick to my chocolate for the natural antioxidant high. Thanks for the great post Dawlink! 💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Awwww Aparna. Listen girlfriend you are doing this yourself because you are energized and determined to make things happen. So pat yourself on the back my friend. You are AWESOME!!! 😘💖😊🦋🤗💋🤩🌺🥰


  9. Girl Sandra, I love what you said, “Some of us are addicted to kindness and helping others. How do we spread our addiction to a wider audience?” 🤔

    We continue to be positive, even while others are trying to make us feel otherwise. We continue to look for the good, even though we know evil lurks around us to try to steal our joy. You continue to paint, and sketch, and spread joy and positivity with your God-given gifts and talents. You continue to smile and find some good in every single day my friend.

    Life is going to hurl darts and negativity at us, just because we try to be kind and loving. They can’t take that away from us unless we give our power to them. Nope, not today Sandra, and girlfriend tomorrow ain’t lookin’ too good either! LOL 😝😆😜

    Sending you a truckload of hugs, smooches, love, and joy! 😊💖😘🦋🤩

    Liked by 1 person

  10. No, not the candy-laden pink pills? 💊💊💊But oh yes Cindy, the chocolate…how do I love thee, let me count the ways! 🎂🍫🍩🍪🍮 Forget the calories for now, we will work those off during our Zen moments later! 🧘🏼‍♀️🏋🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️ LMBO 😂😆🤣 Thank you so much for your refreshing and encouraging outlook my dear dawwwwwlinkkkkk! Hugs and smooches! 🤗💖😘💋🥰🌺🦋🥂🥳

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Such wise and powerful questions, dear Kym. I think it’s always possible to disrupt our patterns, including addictions, however, sometimes it takes assistance from people to help us see a new way forward. Often we get stuck in habituated thinking patterns and are on auto pilot, yet if we are open to change, someone or thing can give us the kick we need to redirect the patterns and create new ones. Wow! I love this post, my kindred! ✨♥️✨🤗💖🌸🌺🥰🦋😘

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Wow! Wow! Wonderful! You are amazing! Dear Kym, it´s true, everything star with our thoughts.
    Think well for being well, you are so creative and smart! Have a lovely and relaxing timr!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh my dear kindred, you are always on the right page with your amazing intellect.
    “Often we get stuck in habituated thinking patterns and are on auto pilot, yet if we are open to change, someone or thing can give us the kick we need to redirect the patterns and create new ones.”

    Oh how I agree with you 100% Jeff on the influence habits have on our lives. 🤔 Yet, in spite of such disruption there is hope and a way to move forward. The addiction is powerful, but the willingness to change and seek the assistance we need has to be more powerful than that. Thank you as always my dear, dear friend. 🤗💖🥰🦋🤩💐🥳🎆🥂


  14. Awesome post, Kym! And so true! There are controlled substances besides drugs! And, in my opinion, there are way too many commercials on the air about medicines- in fact, those type of ads seem to be all we see anymore and I was just telling my hubby the same thing the other night. But back to the point of your story, YESSS! There are other controlled substances other than drugs! As you said, greed, envy, hatred and all the other stuff you mentioned here – they’re all the ingredients that mix together to make one toxic dish- DRAMA! Many in my town are addicted to drama more than anything else! Thank you so much for posting, sweetheart! Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way! 💋🤗😘😍💋🤗😘😍

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Love this post Kym! I have a very addictive personally so I stay away from drugs and drinking. When I had my kids and surgery I refused t take the pills that people find hard to pull away from.
    I don’t judge folks that do get addicted because you never know when it could be. Scary stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Oh girtlfriend, and you know it. Rock on Cindaaaayyyy, my FUNyaaaaaaay Mommy Nature! Keep dancing my dawwwwlinkkkkkk!!! Hugs and smooches! 🤗🌟😘💐🥰💋😊💖🌞


  17. Oh yes, I agree with you Belladonna. Now those addictions to bigotry, hatred, greed, power, narcissism and such, is a horse of a different color of controlled substances. Those are just as destructive, if not even more than drugs and drinking. But honey, that is a different subject on another day! SMH 😲🤔🙄 Like you, for me, the less medication the better. I am so medicine intolerant. 😝 Always have been. 💊💊💊

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Cherie Baby, you have such amazing insight into the medicinal and non-medicinal addictions of our time. Guuuurrrrllllll….DRAMA is on top of the crazy things folks are addicted to these days. Pick a subject, any subject, and it is all the way chaotic. 😲 Gosh, as if people don’t already have enough to be concerned about! Geez.

    I truly appreciate you my friend and thank so much for your heartwarming but “keeping it real” message my DJ! Much love, hugs and smooches my amazing friend. 🥰💖😘🌟🤩🧁😍🦋


  19. Always my pleasure, dahhh-ling! I love the way you word things and the analogies you use! So easy to understand amd full of aha-moments! You don’t realize how talented, creative, and inventive you are, Kym! 😍❤🥰❤😍❤🥰


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