What Does Your Winter Wonderland Look Like?

Image Credit: omar sahel

Typically seasonal changes bring a change in temperatures. In recent years we have seen a fluctuation of unseasonable temperatures, which makes us realize and acknowledge just how real climate change is.

Does the weather outside look frightful
or do your flowers bloom and look delightful?
Do you slumber or are you on the go,
in a winter wonderland of warmth or snow?
©Kym Gordon Moore

If you are in your season of winter, where are you located and what type of weather are you experiencing?

Spring Collage

Image Credit: Vera Kratochvil

59 thoughts on “What Does Your Winter Wonderland Look Like?

  1. I love your poetry so much, chickienoodle! xoxo

    I’m in the Great Lakes area and we are having unseasonably warm weather here. It is currently 31°F. It was snowing pretty good a couple days ago, but we’re not buried or anything. I wish we had piles and piles of snow! 😀


  2. I love your poem and pictures you included with your post, Kym. Since you asked, my Great Lake state is called Water-Winter Wonderland. In the past we’ve had snow this time of year. In the northern part of the state, they’ve already had snow. At this moment, it’s 35 degrees (feels 30) and sunny with a light wind. The high is predicted to be 42 degrees. The older I get the more I dislike snow, so I’m happy for now.

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  3. Girl Sadje, now that’s clear evidence of climate change. We too are experiencing unseasonable weather patterns and it is truly confusing mother nature. Things are things sprouting and blooming during a time when they usually don’t. Pretty scary! 🤷‍♀️😱🤗

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  4. WOW Mary. First of all thank you so much for your kind and warm comment. 🙏🏽 Everywhere there is a pattern of unseasonable record temps and everything is confused. Things are beginning to blossom here in the south. The mornings are freezing temps and the day is in the upper 50s.

    I remember when we used to have distinct seasons, but now, thanks to climate change they all blend in together. Kind of sad, but although southerners typically don’t have snow, we welcome it for one day, maybe two, but other than that, the thrill is gone! LOL 🤣😲😂

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  5. Maggie, today is our first day of Winter, but lately, we had a bit of rain, moderately cool temps, but the seasons can’t seem to make up their minds! LOL I just keep my wardrobe on alert! LOL 🤣😱😍


  6. WHOA Adelheid, how interesting, but then again you are in the Philippines, so what are the chances of you guys having snow? It’s on the chilly side here, but not horrible. Enjoy the moment right? 🤗💖😍🙌🏼🥰

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  7. OMG what beautiful memories, and what amazing memories you are now making. Thank you so much Sandra for sharing that and I simply adore how you take advantage of these special moments to pay tribute to your beautiful surroundings through your artwork. How awesome! 😊💖🥂

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  8. Yikes, I hope you won’t experience any flooding Rosaliene. We had what seemed like a monsoon here last weekend, but we needed that rain because we have been having a serious drought. But Mother Nature is so stressed right now and climate change is ferocious these days! UGH! 😝 Hang in there sistah! 😊💖😍

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  9. OK Michele my Belle, I am jealous! Our sunsets leave so quickly during these winter months, that before we know it, we’re turning our lights back on! 😝 But for now, this is the hand we are dealt and we just have to play them the best we can and take advantage of them just as you are doing. I ain’t mad at ya! 🥰💖😁🙆🏻‍♀️😍

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  10. I’m in Central North Carolina, and currently, our temps are up and down with no actual consistency. It’s cold in the morning and at night and somewhat warmer during the day for this time of year here.

    It’s pretty frustrating when one craves consistency, but what can you do? Nothing. 😂🤣😆

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  11. Good question Sadje. That simply irritates me, especially when it is obvious that weather patterns and the climate has drastically changed. I don’t understand that level of ignorance or refusal to acknowledge its existence. SMH 😠

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  12. this is getting scary up here. after the worst fire season on record, we’ve had no moisture is the form of rain or snow. the temp is warmer then usual, no hope for snow any time soon, there are actually some fires burning, and a lot of places in a state of emergency because of a water shortage, and unless there’s a lot of snow coming to the mountains, a huge snow pack, and the a huge spring run off, 2024 is going to be awful……and yet everyone politian is saying climate change is no big deal……last summer I remember hearing it was too hot in some of the states to harvest…so another summer here of drought, and all over the planet it seems bad…..I wonder how bad it’s going to have to get before a majority of people start paying attention

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  13. I know you ain’t mad, my Kymbelina. That’s not you! I did just share some sunset photos, with a few lovely surprises. Hope they add a little golden glow to your Friday. Love ya! 😊 I expect you to get a head start on the Friday dancing! 💖

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  14. Ha ha! No chance at all! But around the months of December (sometimes November) to February, it’s chilly here but not so much as the ‘chilly’ on your end. 😁 Yeah, we can only enjoy those moments. ❤️😉😘

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  15. love your poem and pics Kymdawwwwlink. In northern cali we are just starting to get some rain. We alway need it and it’s good thing but need more. It cramps my style getting dark so early. Hang in there with a warm drink and put your dancing shoes on. ❤️❣️🎄

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  16. Bonjour

    Mon ami amie je viens te souhaiter de joyeuses fêtes

    Que ton Noël avec chacun de tes tiens soit heureux

    Mon amie Joyeux Noël pour toi

    Pendant toutes ces années de t’avoir connue a été un cadeau pour moi
    Que ton Noël ne soit que joie
    Merci ami, amie pour ton amitié

    Joyeuses fêtes mon Amie, Ami
    Mon respect et estime te sont infinis
    Un ami qui pense à toi

    En ces derniers jours de l’année 2023 Bernard

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  17. Warren, it seems like if they haven’t gotten it by now, it is already too late sadly. Ignorance is a dangerous thing. Praying for relief in your area my friend. But our planet is in a critical situation. 😥


  18. Girlfriend, nah, I ain’t mad at ya at all, you know that! 😜 But to bask in the essence of such beauty is definitely something worth dancing about for sure! I am already there as I know you are too! Cheers to a FANtabulous weekend my dear! 🥰💃🏻💖

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  19. Warm drink ☕…check ✔ Dancing shoes 💃🏻… check ✔ Alcoholic beverage 🍸…check ✔ and finding a nice comfortable spot to pass my butt out…🪑…double check ✔

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! 🌙


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