Temper Tantrums of Now

Impatience, Anger, Temper, Temper Tantrum

Do you have temper tantrums? Probably not as extreme as children throwing a stubborn and emotional hissy fit because they don’t get their way, but the adult size version of emotional stress perpetrated by wanting things your way without sizing up the consequences first?

We have become a world and a society of immediacy. “I got to have it right now” resonates from every oral and written sector imaginable. We can’t wait because we’ve learned, adopted and perfected the act of impatience. The subliminal messages and advertisements we see slathered throughout our television, social media and digital platforms contribute to this gotta have it right now mentality. Such impatience can lead to microwavable decisions that result in poor, costly and short-term choices. All too often we lose perspective on waiting for the best (while working towards it of course), and instead, choose our “want it right now” decision.

Do we think about long-term justification before making a rushed decision, without being informed with all of the facts? Do we disregard worldly things or sacred values for the sake of immediate fulfillment? For the pleasure of a moment do we thereby sacrifice our future? If you don’t get your way about something, how do you respond? Just remember, making rash decisions with irrational thoughts or unwise counsel can result in damaging consequences.  Think about that as we gear up for the upcoming holiday shopping season.