🥳 WooHoo! I Am Participating in the North Carolina Humanities NC Reads Book Club

Image Credit: North Carolina Humanities

I challenge myself each year to get in as much reading as possible even though other extracurricular projects vie for more attention. I am so excited to share that I was one of those selected to participate in this popular statewide book club program hosted by the North Carolina Humanities. This program is where participants will hear from guest speakers, including book authors and topic experts. I received my FREE books in which all of the books selected this year are written by authors who are from, lived in, or currently reside in North Carolina. My box included unique swag bookmarks and curated program and discussion guides along with the following five books:

February 2024 – Beyond Innocence: The Life Sentence of Darryl Hunt by Phoebe Zerwick

March 2024 – Poster Girls by Meredith Ritchie

April 2024 – American RefugeTrue Stories of the Refugee Experience by Diya Abdo

May 2024 – The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb

June 2024 – Welcome to the Circus of Baseball by Ryan McGee

Books, reading, literacy, and literary history are important parts of NC Humanities’ mission. At the heart of North Carolina Reads is NC Humanities’ desire to connect communities through shared reading experiences. Reading with others develops critical-thinking skills; strengthens minds, vocabulary, and mental health; and creates opportunities to empathize with others’ stories and experiences.

“After the isolation of the pandemic years, North Carolina Reads provides welcomed opportunities for connection across physical space,” said Sherry Paula Watkins, Executive Director of NC Humanities. “Communities around the state and nation are divided over many issues, but North Carolina Reads leverages our collective love of story to create new shared experiences where people can engage with each other, and authors and experts who they may not otherwise be able to hear from.”

If you have such a program in your state or country, I urge you to jump in and participate in it. The older I get the more I find just how fundamental and advantageous reading is to a growth mindset. Read and grow.

The contents of my 2024 North Carolina Reads Book Club box of goodies!

Like Reading Pages from an Anthology Everyday 📖

Image Credit: pasja1000/Pixabay

Each day, I read messages many of you post, and I feel like I am reading pages from a book or better yet, pages in an anthology. While many posts may have the same or similar subject matter, the angles that come from each individual tell a story that is personally connected.

I feel as if I am taking a vacation across national lands and international waters. What an adventure! Everyone experiences some of the same emotional challenges or celebrations, but your delivery is unique and gives readers a different perspective. We are exposed to many positions, opinions, cultures, and spiritual awakenings that connect us to a spectrum of universal prowess.

It is refreshing to read and learn something new that I find within the confines of your writings. To step into a world that for a moment is soundproof from the chaos, confusion, challenges, and conflicts, and enter a world that provides comfort and compassion for maybe an hour or so, helps to recharge my engine and fill my tank with the fuel needed to continue my journey for the day. Thanks y’all!

Who’s Holding Your Pen? ✍🏼

Image Source: Facebook

While we have similarities with experiences from occurrences in our lives, no one knows better than you to tell your story. Quite often, we see ghostwriters or cowriters helping people compose their memoirs, and the voice of the person they are representing gets lost in the storytelling of the other person. You have the pen, so you write your story.

The “X” Followup

Image Credit: Tolgahan Akbulut

I just wanted to do a quick follow-up to my Friday’s post The Way You Write Your “X.

Many people asked if there was a specific meaning to the way we wrote the letter “X” and I honestly didn’t know of any studies at that time. But, leave it to my friend Phil Perkins, with Phil Perkins Photography who found this link that I think many of you will find useful regarding the theory behind how you write your “X.” 


Responses: 79% – #7 and 21% – #8!

Happy “X” games y’all! Thanks, Phil! 😊

The Way You Write Your “X”

Image source: pbs.twimg.com

When I saw this illustration, I thought how interesting, and decided to write an “X” and observe how I wrote it. I never thought about such a question as to how you write your X, but I’m interested in knowing how you write yours. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer, but if so, who cares? Check it out.

AI Fakery: Attacks on Authors Already?

Image Credit: Andrea De Santis

TRUST and CREDIBILITY! I knew it would be just a matter of time, but I never thought it would be this quick that AI would be weaponized, and Indie authors are now faced with new challenges and are under attack. With AI-created writing and AI user-friendly aides, scammers are easily flooding various writing venues with AI-authored fakes, such as travel, guidebooks, and independent publishing. Sadly, this is one of the things we have to be very concerned about, especially if you have indie-published work.

One recent example of this AI attack comes from author Jane Friedman, who discovered that there were several books listed on Amazon under her name that she did not write. These books turned out to be AI-generated, and someone (a “huckster, according to Friedman” ) used her name to make a quick profit.

Scammers are easily flooding various writing venues with this “Brand-Jacking” and I can see this quickly spilling over into other creative communities like the arts and music. While AI may have been created to make things a little easier for consumers, it is creating a firestorm of problems, trust, and credibility issues, that will have us questioning everything.

Additionally, indie writers have noted the influx of AI-generated nonsense on Amazon’s best-seller lists. This has caused concern about the integrity of these lists and their impact on human authors, and the revenue generated from their work. While Amazon is trying to address the issue, it will also need to tackle the influx of AI-generated reviews cluttering the site. It is clear that better safeguards must be put in place because with the influx of AI invading our daily lives, what may have started out as a good thing is making us vulnerable to God only knows what.

It’s so sad that we really have to be on guard these days in light of predators weaponizing advanced technology and be as proactive in our leisure and business dealings with security, especially online. Here is an article published in The Guardian, “Authors call for AI companies to stop using their work without consent,” (Margaret Atwood, Viet Thanh Nguyen, and 8,000 others have signed an open letter asking that permission is obtained and compensation given when a writer’s work is used by AI) that you can check out at your convenience.

How will this issue be monitored and addressed? Only time will tell. Just try to remain as vigilant as you possibly can.

Image Credit: Geralt

My Wordless Wednesday is Filled with Words

Image Credit: Julius_Silver

Speechless perhaps, wordless, nope! Sometimes I say there are no words to describe this moment or emotion, you just become absorbed in the essence of the impact. And at times, as the old adage says, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Still, words penetrate the pores of our senses and define something so ethereal and breathtaking that makes us gasp with the thrill of a simple “WOW!” Words manage to flow in unimaginable waves of definitions that fill the heart with curiosity and wonder. Words are always a part of our language, whether we express them or not, they are there. Cheers to a Wordful Wednesday!

Book Bans, What Are These Attacks Really About?

Image used from previous FBTP post

Why should writers and authors be concerned about an issue like the ongoing incremental attacks through book bans? In my opinion, “If you don’t take care of an infected gash, then it could continue to spread and lead to total amputation.” Don’t let someone unworthy, silence your voice.

My Editorial Soapbox

I don’t know about you writers reading this, but I invite you to ruminate about what you would do if someone didn’t like you or your lifestyle and found a way to try to destroy your writing livelihood because they claimed your work offended them. I have been writing for over five decades now. In spite of the length of time and experience I have in writing, I still try to continue honing in on my gift by learning more and looking for inspiration to create more. Our creative efforts through our writing are just as viable to the arts and humanities world as art, photography, crafting, sculpting, and culinary arts.

I previously discussed the threat ChatGPT has on the writing community, but this increase in book bans is more dangerously destructive than we may realize. Recently I talked about the domino effect of the writer’s strike, where writers are fighting to make a fair living wage, yet the stalemate in negotiations is affecting other positions in tv and cinematic productions too. When will the powers that be realize the value of good writers?

Yet, I ask, what is this increased book ban really about? If people are so offended by the content, and that’s “if” they are reading all of these books at all, then doggone it, don’t freaking read it. If the book is a threat to national security, if it blatantly is a racist attack against individuals and cultures that will endanger a race, creed, or color, then yes, let’s have a conversation. But because a handful of folks have villainized targeted authors, I think they may have overplayed their sanctimonious cards, and it just may backfire on them. But tell me, what “qualifications” and on what guidelines are these people who are leading this scathing charge on banning certain books basing such ridiculous claims? It amazes me how these people have the nerve to censor books when according to The Literacy Project, the average American reads at the 7th-8th grade level. Like it or not, illiteracy, aliteracy, and functional illiteracy rates are at alarming rates. Where is their push to get people to simply read a book?

I remember when movie rental stores like Blockbuster were all the rage. They carried hundreds of titles from different genres for people to choose from. If you weren’t interested in something you simply put it back on the shelf and moved on to something you were interested in. There was no massive destruction of property, no unwarranted blatant attacks on employees, and no laws prohibiting people from their right and freedom of choice to see, rent or buy what they chose to watch in the privacy of their own homes. Besides, there were XXX movie rental businesses that were just as popular as Blockbuster. While some folks protested these adult video establishments, no one waged a national ban or burned them down because frankly, they were quite profitable, and probably frequented by members of their own families. There have been reports of religious leaders and government officials who were spotted sneaking into these XXX stores and patronizing these places. But that is a topic I really don’t care to discuss.

My point is, parents/guardians have the right to read books to see whether they are content appropriate for their kids, and I have no problem with that. When I combed through some of the titles of those books being banned, many of them I have read, loved, and been inspired by. I again ask, what is this “holier-than-thou” smear campaign really about, and just how far will this extremism be allowed to go?

Let me say to the writing community, do not be intimidated by these reported and increased attacks on certain targeted books. I have never seen such scathing attacks on writers, poets, and novelists whose books are on this list as ridiculously as I am seeing now. And don’t think that because you may not be on the New York Times Best Sellers list, you are immune to such ludicrous attacks. How would you feel if your creativity and livelihood were targeted simply because someone didn’t like what you published, or because of what you looked like, or what pedigree you came from? You have the right to read whatever you want to read. I have read hundreds of books that I reviewed, and even if I really wasn’t enthralled by the content, I have no need to run a smear campaign on it. I have the right to read what I want, not dictated by someone else.

You know, growing up we were told not to do certain things that we snuck and did anyway. Like a kid getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar, when they were told not to go in it because they would ruin their appetite to eat dinner, they/we snuck and did it anyway. But the cookies though…sorry, I digressed. Now depending on the severity of the infraction, we had to deal with the consequences of our disobedience. When these so-called “book banners” continue to launch such attacks that they don’t want their kids to read, their children’s curiosity will probably get the best of them and somewhere one day, they will find a copy of that banned book, and more than likely it may come from their peers. They will want to find out what the big deal is all about. I know, because the first adult magazine someone shared with me was when I was in 9th grade. Although it grossed me out at the time, I still looked through it.

To all of my writing friends out there, you know what this process of composition is like and we know that a lot of folks already look at our profession as dim-witty and not a real job. That’s a lie. I know what it’s like to be rejected by book publishing houses and other publications time and time again. But other people’s expectations do not necessarily align with mine, that’s why I am still writing. Like you, I have something significant to say. For all of you who have worked hard to hone your writing skills, and published books or plan to publish a book, traditionally or independently, continue to press forward and stay encouraged.

Thank you for taking the time to read my soapbox sermon. This editorial is strictly my opinion and while you may not agree with the content within this post, that’s ok, because that is your right. That’s the beauty of the diversity on a platform like this. If there is a blog or website that you don’t follow because you feel their content is not to your liking, guess what? You don’t have to follow them if you are offended by the nature of their content. You have the right to write. You have the right to read what you don’t write. Be grateful, because some regions do not allow certain citizens the freedom to learn to read or write. Words matter and I honestly believe true, responsible, and dedicated writers already know that.

-Due to the lengthy nature of this editorial, the comment section is respectfully closed.-

The Write Thing to Do is to Do the Write Thing

Image Credit: Kym Gordon Moore, 2018

As the adage goes, “You don’t miss the water till the well runs dry” holds truth in the world of writing. Today, I am presenting this message from a homophone angle (The Write Thing/The Right Thing). Currently, there is still an ongoing labor dispute between the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the  Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers  (AMPTP). This writer’s strike began at 12:01 a.m. (PDT) on May 2, 2023.

So why is the WGA striking? It isn’t for some vanity attention-getter or an obnoxious money grab. WGA members are fighting for better pay, streaming residuals, mandatory staffing, employment duration, and AI technology safeguards. Now, the domino effect is happening right before our eyes and it isn’t pretty. It is said that this is the largest interruption to American television and film production since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, as well as the largest labor stoppage for the WGA since the 2007–08 strike. 

I resurrected the above image I created 5 years ago because I thought about the power of our word messaging. This craft that all of us writers embrace is what writers actually create, and is not AI-generated, yet. We are passionate about our craft, regardless of our compensation. Once again, we are seeing another fallout from workers seeking better working conditions and better pay when so much falls on their shoulders, and the survival of an institution or company depends on their performance and productivity. Still, we clearly see evidence that a lot of bigwigs, administrators, and execs are reaping residuals, by the millions, while those who are on the bottom working rung (like teachers, healthcare workers, custodians, pilots, transportation workers, etc.) are overworked, underappreciated, and under-compensated.

Yeah, strikes can disrupt more lives than just the people who employ the protesters. No, I don’t think they are being selfish, they are merely trying to make a living. Is anyone really listening and responding to the problem? Sadly, if people are not protected by certain safeguards, they can be easily fired and replaced by another body, not necessarily by better talent. Yeah, these dissatisfied people can quit and find another job somewhere else, but it may not be easy to do. These individuals love what they do, and they are passionate about what they create because it isn’t just a job for them, or us. People want to work. They are only asking for equity and respect, in the workplace and their paycheck. Let’s hope that the write thing to do is for those who have the power to make necessary changes, actually do the right thing and stick to it. Writefully so, is that too much to ask for?

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling.

Cindy Georgakas is Re-Creating and Celebrating a New Chapter

Photo Image: Courtesy of uniquelyfitblog.com

          I received an ARC of “Re-Create & Celebrate” by Cindy Georgakas and oh my goodness what a refreshing read it was. At the onset of Cindy’s book, Re-Create & Celebrate, you can feel the natural and positive energy flowing through the power of Cindy’s words and her personal journey. She doesn’t speak in clinical terms, as you may find in similar guides, which can be intimidating. No, you feel like you’re sitting on her deck, sipping on a cup of tea, and when you leave, you feel invigorated.

        Her easy-to-follow steps are practical and gently guide you through the process of rediscovery and renewal. This book is a must-have for helping readers refocus on their overall health and wellness.

          As a certified Life Fitness Coach, Cindy’s experience shines through with stories and practical exercises to help validate the success of your journey. She navigates you through a path to reflect who you are, and the essence of your being, which is not defined by your credentials or possessions. Be true to yourself, and not that of someone else. The changes you need to make are already inside of you. Cindy has a way of tugging at the matters of the heart and splashing a burst of energy that gets you up and running with a zest for life. 

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Image Source: Unique Times with Cindy

          I’ve known Cindy for a couple of years now, but it seems like we have known each other for decades. I quickly learned that when she sets her sights on a goal, even if it is a home renovation, she has the determination like a bulldog to do everything she can to attain it, despite the obstacles that might suggest otherwise. Without giving away any spoilers, grab a copy of Re-Create and Celebrate. It is a helpmate for examining each time, stage, and age of your life. Haikus at the end of each chapter add a special, quotable touch to the flow of her conversation. There are some other delightful surprises included in her book to help guide you through your progress and celebrate your success.

          If you haven’t met Cindy yet, then quickly grab yourself a deluxe-size can of energy drink, because she is robust with vitality you can’t quantify. Connect with Cindy and learn more about her blog tours and book launch on her website  Uniquely Fit, FACEBOOK, and TWITTER.