An Unexpected Smile

As the sun was setting yesterday, the moon showed up, bright, bold, and bad. She stole the show!

Sometimes the craziness of life leads to dehydration of the spirit. In that aridity, it’s difficult to find a reason to smile. Last night as I was closing my blinds, I saw this beauty rising majestically through the trees. It was a special moment that brought on an unexpected smile. Whether it’s a spring bud, the silliness of a pet, a child’s laughter, a smooth ride on your way somewhere, or just for being alive, find a reason to smile today. 😊 Even if you’re smiling and the world is not smiling with you, smile anyway. It is definitely a mood-changer!

41 thoughts on “An Unexpected Smile

  1. A gorgeous view, Kym! It is a beautiful morning, my tea is delicious, and I am enriched and inspired by fellow writers this morning. Many reasons to smile. πŸ˜„ Have a wonderful day!

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  2. Beautiful message, Kym! It’s the little things that make all the difference because they become not so little once you appreciate them. I too saw the moon last evening as I was bringing in the cushions from my backyard swing in preparation for today’s rain. I couldn’t help but to stop what I was doing and behold the cosmic beauty that was rising in the east.

    Yesterday was a great day- I went walking in the nearby park and the weather was so gorgeous! I then sat in my backyard swing and stared in amazement at the white blooms on my Bradford Pear Tree as our two dogs and cat roamed around the backyard.

    Today is a wet one. But I’ll still enjoy the day as I use this time indoors to engage with other bloggers. Thank you so much for posting, sweetie! πŸ’–πŸ’•

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  3. Michele, you’ve given me my unexpected smile for the morning my dear! 😊😎πŸ₯° Thank you so much for your inspiration and encouragement my dancing queen. Now, go on out there and seize the day…the Michele way! 🌞😎🌟

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  4. Girlfriend, you have stopped me in my tracks as I savor the joy and gratitude through your experiences. πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ· I love your attitude with intent, to enjoy the day, no matter how the weather looks outside. β›ˆ

    As you said, to behold the cosmic beauty rising in the east validates my argument that the moon is female, as she entered the room (the sky) and no matter where we are, we stop and watch her walk in and and rise into the heavens, with a “Whoop, there it is” attitude! πŸ€—πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ€œπŸΌπŸ€›πŸΌ Thanks so much for sharing your laid back reflections my friend!!! 🌟😎🌞

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  5. You’re most welcome, Kym! And I agree, the moon has to be female because women are the nurturers and give light to the home, the family, the jobsite, and the entire world. πŸŒŸβœ¨πŸŒžπŸŒ•

    And thank you so much for your overwhelming support and love! They mean more than you know!

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  6. You my girl, and it doesn’t surprise me that our experiences are so parallel. That’s why when we fall down, we get up, brush ourselves off, put on our lipstick, hold our heads up, and take out our swords like Xena, Warrior Princess! πŸ—‘πŸ˜²πŸΉπŸ’ƒπŸ½βš”πŸ’‹ You know it is always my pleasure to “reach out and touch” (channeling my inner Diana Ross)! 😘🎡🎀🎢πŸ₯°

    Liked by 1 person

  7. that looks like my sky last night Kym and I took took a picture and smiled. Love the serendipity of the same moon, in a different place, each in our surroundings bring a smile across our faces to shine to the world. Lovely post and sentiments so needed Dear friend! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒ»

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  8. Yes indeed! I received my reason to smile yesterday and it is carrying over into today…It came through the mail…I was only expected one book, but received two… In the same spirit…generosity and encouragement you appear to be gifted with!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Wow! When you smiling… You can change the world. Great, amazing, beautiful, inspirired post!
    You are so creative and wonderful dear Kym, thank’s for share it.
    So important, take a break, relax and smile, everithing it’s better.
    Send you a big hug!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I like what you said: “dehydration of the spirit.” It is such a great description! It was cloudy, so no visible moon for us. But things always seem calmer and more beautiful with the full moon.

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  11. Awwww, my dear King T, 🀴🏽 I’s so glad you FINALLY got your packages! πŸ‘πŸΌ You are so kind with your warm comments and I appreciate that my friend. I hope this small gift blesses you in a generous way. Keep smiling, keep shining my dear with your bright light! πŸŒŸπŸŒžπŸŽ†

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  12. Beautiful pic, and message, dear Kym! I often look up at the moon and stars to remember how vast it all is, and the scope of the Universe and my place in it. It always makes me smile. Have a gorgeous weekend, my kindred! πŸŒ–πŸŒΉβœ¨β€οΈπŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ₯°πŸ˜

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