A Talking Porcupine Limerick

Image Credit: analogicus/Pixabay

Now, while I may not be the brightest crayon in the box when it comes down to analyzing animals, I am not crazy enough to walk up to one, no matter how much smaller and adorable it is, and say, “Hi cutie, can I run my fingers through your quills that feel like a hypodermic needle sticking the living crap out of me?” Nah, my momma raised a better fool than that!

So here’s the deal. I came across a fun fact one day that asked how many quills does a porcupine have? Well, this led me to wonder about who in the world was given the assignment to count how many quills a porcupine has? Was this person immune to pain or did they have a scientific death wish?

Just so you will understand what I am talking about, quills, on a porcupine are actually very large and stiff hairs. Porcupines use these quills as a natural defense against predators. Again I ask, who had a death wish to take on the assignment of counting these quills which totaled around 30,000 mind you. Sorry, I’ll take their word for it because I am not interested in any amount of money to dispute their findings.

So here’s my limerick nod to a talking porcupine.

I saw a talking porcupine
wearing jeans designed by Calvin Klein
he flicked his cigarette
placing an online bet
while drinking a glass of whiskey and wine.
©Kym Gordon Moore

Of course, my warped mind had to wonder, how do porcupines get it on when they are in heat? Very carefully I suspect! 😲

Poetry for the Day: Soho – A Limerick

poetry, cat, window, Limerick
There was a finicky cat named Soho
part Siamese, Tabby and Calico
a windowsill was her seat
falling, landing on her feet
leaping beyond places dogs dare not go!

(This poem is from the book Wings of the Wind: A Cornucopia of Poetry)

Soho is a limerick, and believed to have Irish roots. It is a five-line poem in anapestic or amphibrachic meter with a strict rhyme scheme. Limericks intend to be humorous or sometimes obscene with a witty content!