A Moment Reminding Me of How Small I Am

Image Credit: Pixabay

We have experienced many rainy days in the past several weeks that I am grateful for because they make me appreciate the days I see white fluffy clouds accenting a marine blue sky on a warm sunny day. That’s what I experienced a few days ago. I didn’t photograph or video what I watched because that would have broken the mood at the moment.

I stopped and looked up from my hurriedness

which was just the thing I needed to do

outside I breathed in the reflections of life

as anxiousness and overwhelm flew

clouds floated and curled into whisps of a free spirit

I stood gazing up and noticed others did too.

©Kym Gordon Moore

May you pause today, just for yourself, and have a moment of humbleness and reconnection to this vast world of awesome wonder.

Image Credit: king Siberia