Shine Anyway

Moon, Petr Kratochvil

Over the weekend, I peered out of my window at a still full moon. I never tire of its presence during each monthly visit.

In the depths of the darkness, its mere appearance illuminates a quiet stillness of hope, adoration, and joy. As I marveled at this magnificent, majestic night light, humility washes over me. I am reminded that I too can allow my light to shine in the midst of the dark shadows crippling our society.

Shine anyway!

The Poetry of Moon Shine during National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month, Poetry, Moon, Nature

There are so many poems that describe the mystical and ethereal experiences of the moon. When I saw that perfect circle of brightness in the sky through the Palladian window in my bathroom, the brilliance of its luminance made me think I left a light on, but I hadn’t.

Hundreds and hundreds of poems have been written about the moon by many notable poets like Carl Sandburg, Claude McKay, Sylvia Plath, J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Frost, Emily Bronte, Matsuo Basho, William Butler Yeats, Amy Lowell, Robert Graves, Li Po, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Henry David Thoreau, and Denise Levertov.

Almost instantaneously, this haiku came to me as I was caught up in another awestruck moment glancing at a full moon in the rich darkness of the night sky.

Moon Shine    

She pierces the night

with her beauty and her light

to shine with great might.

© Kym Gordon Moore

Happy #NationalPoetryMonth