Did You Ever Stop to Notice?

Image Credit: tommyvideo

In 1995, when Michael Jackson released “Earth Song” it evolved into a short film that features stark footage of Michael and native people around the world witnessing acts of natural devastation. At the beginning of this week, we celebrated Earth Day. No longer can we simply talk about how horrific conditions in nature and our environment are declining at record numbers, but we have to put up or shut up.

I featured this song previously on this blog, and it is worthy to be repeated. Today, I don’t want you to comment but if you have or have not heard this prophetic call to action, listen to it again. Absorb the words. Parts of the video can be disturbing but show a realism that we cannot turn away from. Open your heart and open your mind. The lyrics to the song follow the video.

Earth Song
Song and Lyrics by Michael Jackson

Every Day is Earth Day 🌎

Image Credit: NASA (2023 collection)

A couple of weeks ago we were so enamored by the solar eclipse that occurred and is predicted to occur over America, projected August 23, 2044. This totality is expected to occur in Europe in 2026. But can you imagine if people, the citizens of this world had the same type of excitement and admiration every day for embracing and protecting Mother Earth?

Earth Day reminds us to honor and celebrate ‘our’ planet through the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future.  Today, as millions of people worldwide are celebrating Earth Day, my opinion piece about this day will not come from a scientific angle but a spiritual thought.

While my mind is perplexed about climate change deniers, I think many of us, especially poets who garner much of our inspiration from nature, know otherwise. We see the changes occurring. I love the amazing world of our universe, and our home galaxy, the Milky Way. I am blown away that there are between 100 and 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe, and between 800 billion and 3.2 trillion planets.

Planet Earth is like a huge house with many family members inhabiting its space. What affects many, who many don’t think will affect them, actually does. But when I think about the effects and after-effects of such things as war (the bombings, the mass destruction, the chemical warfare), air pollution (creating the increase in chronic health issues, water, and air quality), littering (air, sea, and land creating dangerous scenarios for marine life and soil contamination), and deforestation (causing homelessness and migratory displacement for wildlife, as well as, over-population problems for many towns and cities), the cause and effect is alarming and mindblowing.

Free environment industry industrial smoke illustration

Image Credit: Mohamed_hassan

On the spiritual side, however, I think about those who want citizenship on the moon, mars, or in outer space. I applaud their curiosity to understand the worlds beyond, but exploration is one thing and habitation is another. While I am intrigued with the art and science of what’s beyond our planetary borders, if we can’t take care of the planet God designed for us to live in, and we are careless and wreckless with how we take care of Mother Earth, then what makes us think that we can be successful living beyond our planetary border so intrusively? “To much is given, much is required,” but somehow so many are looking past or ignoring the requirements of what we have been given while seeking more, more, more without any thought of compassion or empathy. If we don’t take care of what we already have, how do we expect to acquire more?

Without changing our patterns of behavior, the domino effect with be catastrophic. Seasons seem to be confused about their appointed time. Many of our trees that typically begin producing buds in March or April, began budding in late January or early February. Butterflies and bumble bees started showing up weeks ago. While the earth and universe have their natural course of life and evolution, humans have also contributed to the pains and unusual behavior nature is experiencing these days due to years of abuse and neglect.

If we continue to ignore the needs of Mother Earth, it is with certainty that Mother Earth will stop meeting ours. For more information about the Earth Day initiatives, click here.

Free pollution environment plastic illustration

Image Credit: TheDigitalArtist

Image Credit: Yuri_B

Earth Day is every day!

Earth Day. Why?

Earth Day, Green Planet

If you don’t protect her, she won’t protect you. It’s just that simple. Today is the observance of Earth Day and while our calendars denote that this day is designated to serve as a  reminder about the importance of respecting our planet, conserving energy and being the caretakers of creation we were meant to be, protecting Mother Earth should naturally be an individual, committed and personalized mantra each of us should be cognizant of employing every day.

The toxicity of air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution are indicators of our carelessness and recklessness that diminish the quality of life Mother Earth produces. Do we realize how intimately our lives are affected by the health and wellbeing of this universe we inhabit? What has happened to our compassion, sensitivity, and appreciation for our beautiful planet that is being destroyed, simply because we have neglected her or failed to see and protect the beauty that abounds all around us?

As I stepped outside this morning to admire the new blossoms and buds on my rose bush, I saw the brilliance of a little red ladybug sitting on one of the leaves and watched her enjoy my rose bush just as much as I did, even if our reasons were different. You don’t have to take on a mass environmental project, but you could do what you can in your neck of the woods, or city, to contribute to the preservation and growth of this planet. Earth Day. Do we really need a day to remind us of something we should be incorporating into our level of consciousness every day? Hmmmm… Just a thought.

Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day: April 22, 2010

More attention is being placed on our accountability and responsibility for taking care of Mother Earth. We have to honestly look at ourselves to see if we are being as responsible as we should be, in order to build a cleaner and healthier environment for the generations to come.

According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, Earth Day, which is April 22, is a day to celebrate the environment. The first Earth Day was organized in 1970 to promote the ideas of ecology, encourage respect for life on earth, and highlight growing concern over pollution of the soil, air, and water. Earth Day is now observed in 140 nations with outdoor performances, exhibits, street fairs, and television programs that focus on environmental issues.

To learn more about the official Earth Day Campaign, go to this website: http://www.earthday.org/earthday2010

Let us unite to make EVERY DAY Earth Day! Let us continue to fight for a healthier environment because it’s all up to us! Our future depends on it!