POETRY, PASTRIES & PIES PODCAST: Triple P Season 1 Wrap-up 2023 🎤

Image Credit: Tumisu/Pixabay

As we wrap up our first season of Poetry, Pastries & Pies, the Triple P Connection, our shows for 2023 turned out to be learning experiences for me that I wanted to share with you, my friends. The concept of this podcast tapped into the stories and lessons behind the power and magical components these ‘Triple P’ elements have to offer.

This was indeed a learning endeavor for me to launch, and I have to admit this was a project that was extremely scary to embark on from the start. So, thank you for listening, thank you for subscribing to my podcast, and thank you for your encouraging, heartwarming comments, that inject me with a blanket of encouragement and humility.

I look forward to 2024, where I will introduce new and exciting episodes on Poetry, Pastries & Pies, the Triple P connection.

Click here to visit, follow the podcast, and engage with any of the previously recorded Poetry, Pastries, & Pies episodes.

With Gratitude,
Kym Gordon Moore, MBA   Author, Poet, Podcaster

Listen to the podcast!

If you are unable to listen to this episode, “Triple P Season 1 Wrap-up 2023” on the above podcast banner, try connecting to this Spotify channel by clicking on this link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4xbpxg1hgNTL6Tw46NCbOz?si=a70331308cf947d3

A Note of Thanks for Just Being You!

Image Credit: Towfiqu barbhuiya

Throughout the week we write and share, read and comment, and then hit repeat. Sometimes we don’t give ourselves an adequate amount of time to recharge before we are at it again. So, I want to pause right now and thank all of you, who stop by to read, engage, and share. I don’t take any of you for granted. Even if we don’t agree on certain views, I appreciate your decency, respectfulness, and for showing others just what it’s like to be civil, kind, and human. That’s character. Enjoy your day! 🌞

👉🏼 Short, Sweet, Savory, and Serious

Image Credit: StillWorksImagery

Life is precious and when it’s over, it’s over. It is what it is. We don’t want to stand or sit here and think about the time we wasted on silliness and foolishness. Our clock continues to tick. We can’t erase past or present mistakes. We can only learn from the takeaways of those lessons and add value to the life we have yet to live.

🎙 Welcome to My New Podcast: Poetry, Pastries, & Pies

Image Credit: Kym Gordon Moore

Hello everyone! Oh, what an exciting day it is. I am pleased to announce the launch of my new podcast, “Poetry, Pastries, & Pies.” Join me for the trifecta effect of these Triple P elements that will tantalize your tastebuds poetically. ✍🏼🥐🥧 Feel free to follow me on Spotify or Anchor. It’s FREE!!! Here’s a taste of my inaugural episode.

Writers Know Words Matter: Homophones vs. Heterophones

Image Credit: Asterfolio

Texting has become second nature to us as the most common form of communication we share. Short Messaging Service (SMS) produces an abbreviated way to have a conversation. Quite honestly, I am not a fan of texting because I prefer to talk. Yet, the main reason why I don’t like to text is that I am compelled to correct my misspelled words, which takes longer to write a short message. In addition, autocorrect sometimes has a mind of its own. We are so used to writing words with acronyms that we have lost our ability to remember how to spell correctly or formally communicate.

Communicating with a few writers trying to make writing a career, admit to having problems with heterophones vs. homophones in their sentence structures. Trust me, I have to frequently check my linguistic usage in this area when typing or writing. The misuse of heterophones (no it’s not a new smartphone, but perhaps it should be), and homophones can create a writing quandary, and communication nightmare.

A homophone is one of two or more words such as “night” and “knight,” that are pronounced the same, but differ in meaning, origin, and sometimes spelling. Words such as “their,” “there,” and “they’re” are completely different when used in sentences. Another very common homophone misusage is “your” and “you’re.”

Heterophones are words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations and meanings, such as desert (to abandon) and desert (an arid region). Heterophones are a type of homonym and are also called heteronyms. Some examples of heterophones include: “Minute” (pronounced “my-newt”; an adjective meaning miniature, minuscule, small), and minute (pronounced “min-net”; a noun meaning moment, second or instant). Then there is “present” (pronounced “pri-zent”; a verb meaning to bring or introduce socially); and present (pronounced “pre-zent”; a noun meaning a gift, offering, or to bestow). One last example is “read” (pronounced “reed”; a present tense verb to interpret writing) and read (pronounced “red”; a past tense verb of writing interpreted).

Yes, we learned about homophones and heterophones in elementary and high school English classes. Sometimes we have to take a refresher course to get back up to speed, especially if we are writers or authors. But, linguistically speaking, words matter. When you “write” you want to be sure you are “right.” Speaking from experience, the little mistakes we don’t think matter, can make the stakes costly. I do not claim to be “purrrrfect” but I try to make my faults and defects less imperfect and more “per-fict!” 😜

Image Credit: Jakob

Hearing but Not Listening?

Image Credit: geralt

Is there really a difference between hearing versus listening, you may ask? Simply put, you bet there is. I know I’ve spoken on this topic before, but on some days it seems like the noise gets louder and louder.

Hearing, or auditory perception is the ability to perceive sounds through the ear by detecting vibrations as periodic changes in the pressure of a surrounding medium. Listening is taking notice of and acting on what someone says, responding to advice or a request, or giving one’s attention to a sound.

Recently, I read an article in Inc. Magazine about the self-destructive, inability to listen. This article noted:

The digital era is causing a slow degeneration in our ability to communicate and solve problems faster. Specifically, we’re losing the part of communication that doesn’t even require speaking words: active listening. The inability to demonstrate active listening skills is dangerous and something to get rid of both interpersonally and organizationally. 

Nowadays, we find no shortage of people talking, arguing, expressing their opinions, overtalking each other, and barking at others while not listening to what anyone is saying. Yet if we stop, we may find that we have more in common than we think and can solve more problems with compromise. Dominating a conversation and stirring up more negativity and conflict will create a disconnect that will drive people away and toward a mode of negative consequences. So, let us reason together and develop our active listening skills to avoid self-destruction. We can make things better when we avoid indulging in disorder.

Image Credit: Gerd Altmann

Consider a Press Release as Part of your Promotional Tools

Image Credit: Markus Winkler

In the past, I used press releases as part of my marketing campaigns, personal and work, whether for a new product announcement, upcoming event, or community service announcement. Press releases are great for increasing your online presence, and communicating your message in a professional manner that you can put in a special tab on your website or email to various outlets you want to contact.

Below is a snapshot of a press release published yesterday announcing the release of my book. Feel free to click on the image of the press release, or on the link below it to check out that release and the services this company offers. There are some free releases you can use (like PRLog), but this one comes with some cool analytics so you can see and track the reach of your communiqué globally. Get your message out there far and wide. Happy promoting y’all.


Wisdom Wednesday: The Spoken Word

Four Things Quote
Image Credit: Bobbi Jones Jones

People want to be heard, but in turn, do those same people who do a lot of talking effectively listen? Words can be a weapon of mass destruction, or words can be a shelter in a time of need. How much understanding or penetration the message from those words are will resonate as it reaches you, however you may interpret the communication.

Words have power, we all know that. Communication must be clarified when sending the message to be interpreted. There are ethical problems in communication that can come in various forms if individuals blurt out whatever they think they have the freedom to say. Words can bring down and destroy a country, nation, family, relationship, or organization. In like manner, words can uplift and unify people, places, and things.

Nowadays everyone has a platform of some kind where they have a bullhorn to announce whatever stance they may have. Yet, we must be mindful that after words are spoken, whatever those words may be, you cannot retract them once they are airborne.

Four things that can never be recovered: A stone after it’s thrown, words after they are spoken, occasion after it’s missed, time after it’s gone. -Unknown

They Talk

Mushrooms, Fungus, Toadstool, Edible, Agaric
Image Credit: adege, Pixabay

Have we lost our command of language

in a culture that’s bent on technological advancements

diluted conversations becoming monosyllabic

lackluster engagements of dialogue and structured sentences

lacking the wherewithal to exchange information and ideas

like a light snuffed out, absent of air to breathe and shine

and so, in the unlikeliest of places where communication seems barren

a community laughs, loves, lives, and thrives, even if you can’t hear them speak.

~Kym ©2021

When things grow, they have a language of their own. Whether or not we can hear them they still communicate, and they continue to flourish. Listen closely. Can you hear them?

To Be a Voice

The Shape of Water, Movies

Image Credit: imdb.com

“If we do nothing, neither are we.”

-A line from Sally Hawkins as Eliza Esposito, from the movie “The Shape of Water”

Sometimes there are certain lines from movies that become memorable and this line serves as a reminder that resonates in our day and time. If you saw this movie or get the chance to see it, it is such a touching and emotional story about the art of communication and the choice between living, existing, loving or surviving.